ReplyButler 4.06: Case notes, Amazon & more
The new version 4.06 brings a lot of new features for our textmodule software ReplyButler for Outlook. It’s now possible to store notes per case or per customer, remove one’s own (or other) e-mail address from the recipient list and use a hotkey to let ReplyButler move e-mails (without answering) from an Outlook folder using the movement rules.
There are also new features for webshop owners: ReplyButler now supports Amazon-Order-Ids. They’re used to find the coresponding plentyMarkets data and ReplyButler supports a hyperlinks / hotkey to bring you to the Amazon webpage. Furthermore the sidebar search box now recognizes customer e-mail addresses, plenty-customer#, plenty-order# and Amazon-Ids.
For more info about ReplyButler, please refer to the product page.