Archive for October, 2008

Minimize any app into the tray with the new version

Tuesday, October 28th, 2008

We’ve just published version 1.05 of our minimizer application. If you had any trouble with the installation, please try the lastest vresion of TheBest Minimize to Tray.

New Outlook Sync software release

Wednesday, October 15th, 2008

We’ve just released Easy2Sync for Outlook 2.04. There are some small, but interesting improvents this time.

  • You can now have the program send status mails to several receipients at once. Great for companies.
  • You can let the program skip the Outlook “reminder” property during the sync. Very useful if you want to be reminded on just one computer (or if your PDA fails to auto-switch-off after a reminder rings).

Skip Reminders

A usual, the update is free for registered users of Easy2Sync for Outlook. For more info about the Outlook sync software, please refer to the product page.

Text modules for your webshop helpdesk

Wednesday, October 1st, 2008

This is the fourth part in our series of free text module templates. This time, we’re featuring text module templates that can be useful your helpdesk work, if you’re running a web shop. As usual, we can’t offer you read-made texts here since the policies and texts differ to much. But we can give you the structure: The folder names, the text names and icons that will show you the benetifs of using text modules in Outlook.

Here’s how it looks like:

If you want to give it a try, you can download the helpdesk template here.