 | to Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 7, Vista, 2003
Outlook 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000
Intel/AMD, not ARM, not One/New
Exchange, Microsoft 365 (Office 365)
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196 ratings for
ReplyButler with an average of 4.42:

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“ I didn't get a chance to thank you for the follow-up and the great product. One of the two best Outlook add-ins I have ever seen. Cheers and great work.
Gary Solomon
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ReplyButler - version overview
New versions can be installed 'over' the old version. The configuration files will automatically be converted. If you already licensed an older version, you may
download an update.
If you'd like to get informed when a new version is released, please register with our
newsletter, read our
ReplyButler blog (
Changes in version 6.15 (compared to 6.14): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Options>MyData: Open all ClipTextLibs from this path at program startup
- {RB_Day} and co now allow shifts by days/months/years
- /Silent parameter in HelpMe
- Fixed: Possible crash with contacts/appointments/notes
- Fixed: Top toolbar has doubled due to options dialog
- Fixed: Adding e-mail addresses through a ClipText no longer worked
- Fixed: Outlook crash when text modules define e-mail address, but Outlook cannot resolve them
- And numerous other details...
Changes in version 6.14 (compared to 6.13):
- Fixed: Logfile was created on desktop
- And several more details...
Changes in version 6.13 (compared to 6.12):
- Fixed: Logfile was created on desktop
- And several more details...
Changes in version 6.12 (compared to 6.11): (Or in our blog.)
- Fixed: 3 possible software problems
- And several more details...
Changes in version 6.11 (compared to 6.10): (Or in our blog.)
- Fixed: Possible crash when closing the options
- Fixed: RB_Link did not allow tags in parameter
- And several more details...
Changes in version 6.10 (compared to 6.09):
- Fixed: Crash on appointments [after Outlook update].
- Fixed: Show last account did not always work on special rules dialog
- Fixed: External toolbar was sometimes created twice
- And several more details...
Changes in version 6.09 (compared to 6.08):
- Fixed: Font size problem
- And several more details...
Changes in version 6.08 (compared to 6.07): (Or in our blog.)
- Fixed: Problems at program start
- Fixed: The account was not always queried when answering
- Fixed: External Sidebar resize did not result in resize of the content
- Fixed: For certain accounts not answering new e-mails did not work correctly
- Fixed: Move rules did not work for emails with Unicode quotes in subject
- And several more details...
Changes in version 6.07 (compared to 6.06): (Or in our blog.)
- Faster Outlook start
- Fixed: 2 possible supports
- Fixed: several problems with cliptext insertion
- And several more details...
Changes in version 6.06 (compared to 6.05): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Tracking# now also for new e-mails
- Improved: Form detection
- Improved: Protection against deactivation from Outlook
- And several more details...
Changes in version 6.05 (compared to 6.04): (Or in our blog.)
- New: plentyMarkets: The last invoice of a customer can be downloaded+inserted automatically. (See: Cliptext > Attachment)
- Improved: Links to plentyMarkets admin pages at REST
- And several more details...
Changes in version 6.04 (compared to 6.03): (Or in our blog.)
- Fixed: Getting data from plentyMarkets via REST didn't work
- And several more details...
Changes in version 6.03 (compared to 6.02): (Or in our blog.)
- Special cases of the salutation ("good evening") can be limited to x times per y-hour
- Limit long folder list queries
- Fixed: Possible crash with names from 2 first names
- Fixed: Error message when replying to mails with extreme screen scaling
- Fixed: Public folders could no longer be selected to move
- And several more details...
Changes in version 6.02 (compared to 6.01): (Or in our blog.)
- ClipTexts: Don't add to CC: if it is already TO:
- Recognize French SURNAMES as such in case of doubt
- Hotkey to switch phrases on/off
- Search improved: Stronger weighting for titles
- Save UserColors of the color dialogs
- Fixed: ClipTextLib dialog didn't work well for scaled screen
- Fixed: English RTF buttons did not work
- Fixed: RTF-ClipText: Switching to left side did not work
- And several more details...
Changes in version 6.01 (compared to 6.00): (Or in our blog.)
- New: More color choices for cliptexts
- New: New API-Level 115 available due to changes at plentyMarkets
- Improved: Name recongition
- Improved: Relevance calculation
- Fixed: Possible crash when addressing new e-mails
- Fixed: Forwards used the new-e-mail-color
- And several more details...
Changes in version 6.00 (compared to 5.18): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Support for the new plentyMarkets REST interface
- New: Text moduules: Follow-Flag can now be set/removed
- New: Text moduules: Categories can be set
- Improved: Support for displays with very high resolutions
- Fixed: Crashes when sending the mail
- And several more details...
Changes in version 5.18 (compared to 5.17): (Or in our blog.)
- New: When forwarding, the addressing menu contains an option to switch to the previous recipient
- Improved: Name detection
- Improved: Plenty data more compact and with scrollbar
- Fixed: Unnessaray empty line when greetings field is empty and signature used
- Fixed: In toolbar-mode the word "configuration" was invisible for some Outlook versions
- And several more details...
Changes in version 5.17 (compared to 5.16): (Or in our blog.)
- Recognize username from office registration
- Fixed: Gap for outside docked window under Windows 10
- Fixed: Problems with movement rules for e-mails on an Exchange server
- Fixed: TrackingCodeByHotkey used saved subject, not the current
- Fixed: Several smaller problems with the addressing
- And several more details...
Changes in version 5.16 (compared to 5.15): (Or in our blog.)
- Environment Variablen can now be used in Configpath
- RTF: Links cyn be created dynamically
- Improved: plentyMarkets-connection
- Improved: Move rules
- Fixed: Addressing didn't work with Outlook-Option "Store old e-mail as attachment"
- Fixed: Sometimes wrong addressing when answering from "Sent items"
- And several more details...
Changes in version 5.15 (compared to 5.14): (Or in our blog.)
- Fixed: Problems with plentyMarkets quick info display
- And several more details...
Changes in version 5.14 (compared to 5.13): (Or in our blog.)
- RTF-Cliptexts: Hyperlink can be inserted in the editor
- Answer rules: Support for weekdays
- New plentyMarkets-attributes: CustomerReference, DunningLevel, ExchangeRatio, TotalInvoice, StoreID
- Faster: Moving e-mails
- Improved: Support for Windows 10 and Outlook 2016
- Improved: Language recognition for dk + se
- Fixed: Changing the addressing sometimes didn't work
- Fixed: Problems with multi-line addressing
- Fixed: Sometimes not all attachments were inserted
- And several more details...
Changes in version 5.13 (compared to 5.12): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Variants with multiple keywords per line are now supported
- Improved: Language recognition
- Improved: Recongition of EBay names (plentyMarkets)
- Fixed: Crash when starting the Plenty-Token-help dialog
- Fixed: Adressing for manually typed recipient didn't always work
- Fixed: RB_GetVar in subject didn't work when set in email-body
- Fixed: RB_TrackingLink didn't always work
- Fixed: Sometimes incorrect addressing when answering an e-mail that was sent by oneself
- And several more details...
Changes in version 5.12 (compared to 5.11): (Or in our blog.)
- Tracking-Code: Autodetect if a code was already assigned to this e-mail previously
- Tracking-Code: Can also be appenended to original mail
- Tracking-Code: New template {RB_PureSubject} for subject without tracking code
- Fixed: Automatic switching to html mail changed formatting
- Fixed: Warning if reply-to-all wasn't used didn't work properly
- And several more details...
Changes in version 5.11 (compared to 5.10): (Or in our blog.)
- E-mails can be switched to HTML on demand
- Tracking-Code also by file / webserver / hotkey
- Improved: Support for environments with multiple helpdesks
- Improved: Formal recognition
- And several more details...
Changes in version 5.10 (compared to 5.09): (Or in our blog.)
- Installer improvements
- Fixed: Adressing didn't work when e-mail was created from a browser link
- Fixed: Adressing didn't work for HTML e-mails without alternative text version
- And several more details...
Changes in version 5.09 (compared to 5.08): (Or in our blog.)
- Support for new plentyMarkets version
- Fixed: After opening the sender popup menu, the addressing feature didn't work any more
- Fixed: "Warn me if I don't reply to all" couldn't be deactivated permanently
- And several more details...
Changes in version 5.08 (compared to 5.07): (Or in our blog.)
- Improved: Formal-recongition
- Fixed: Learned relevance info wasn't saved
- And several more details...
Changes in version 5.07 (compared to 5.06): (Or in our blog.)
- Addressing menu: Previous language
- Insert-attachments can be filters by language (by using "English!" in path/name)
- Greeting phrase can be inserted at the location %GREETING% (Outlook Footer)
- Sidebar: Tree-opened-info is serialised
- Fixed: RB_Benutzervorname didn't work
- And several more details...
Changes in version 5.06 (compared to 5.05): (Or in our blog.)
- PlentyMarkets 5.00 links updated
- Preview can now be moved more down
- Recently used move rule now marked in the options
- Improved: Installer
- Improved Outlook2013 compatibilty
- Fixed: Seach for update couldn't be turned off
- Fixed: Issue with Outlook 64-Bit
- Fixed: Personal exceptions didn't work any more
- And several more details...
Changes in version 5.05 (compared to 5.04): (Or in our blog.)
- Adapation to PlentyMarkets 4.502
- Move rules: depending on the used clip text
- Fixed: Inserting a cliptext could used the wrong target window when many attachments were present
- Fixed: Special characters in plenty-password didn't work
- Fixed: Deleting a move rule didn't work while search filter was active
- And several more details...
Changes in version 5.04 (compared to 5.03): (Or in our blog.)
- Outlook 2013 compatibility improved
- Tip in list if a rule is empty
- Offset for timestamps can be used in text modules
- Stile and language are learned by previous e-mail
- Fixed: English e-mails with finnish subjects weren't answered properly
- And several more details...
Changes in version 5.03 (compared to 5.02): (Or in our blog.)
- PlentyMarkets: CustomerNotes are shown
- Font color selection easier
- Sending mails can be cancelled in the move rule question
- Outlook start now faster
- RB tags can be used when modifying the subject
- Rightclick in sidebar => sections can be turned off
- Fixed: 2-lines removal didn't work properly under O2010
- And several more details...
Changes in version 5.02 (compared to 5.01): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Outlook 2013 supported
- Improved: Now also unencrypted PlentyMarkets connections supported
- Fixed: Problem with Outlook 64-bit
- And several more details...
Changes in version 5.01 (compared to 5.00): (Or in our blog.)
- Improved: Support of RB-Tags for the new PlentyMarkets version
- Improved: Easier configuration of the new PlentyMarkets interface
- And several more details...
Changes in version 5.00 (compared to 4.14): (Or in our blog.)
- New: PlentyMarkets-Support now via Soap-Interface
- New: Separate colors for new e-mails and answers
- Improved: Tracking-Nr can now be activated for selected e-mails
- Improved: Move dialog: Size of the combo boxes is adjusted
- Improved: Move dialog + Special cases: Multiple values are now allowed
- And several more details...
Changes in version 4.14 (compared to 4.13): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Now also for contacts
- New: New RB tags for time data from answered e-mail
- New: Adressing now allows use of {RB_Break} and {RB_SetVar1()}
- New: Search function: Two words correctly in a row => Better ranking
- New: Movement rules: Search/replace
- New: Movement rules: Hold scroll-position when editing an object
- New: Movement rules: Search with filter function
- Improved: Error message when Outlook wasn't closed properly
- Improved: Faster for large RTF texts
- Fixed: Double-click on cliptext could open it twice
- Fixed: Incorrect addressing when answered one's own (sent) e-mail
- Fixed: SendLater didn't work for sidebar in outside mode
- Fixed: Uninstaller didn't work properly
- Fixed: Movement rules didn't work for some mails with square brackets in the subject
- And several more details...
Changes in version 4.13 (compared to 4.12): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Greeting phrase from plenyMarkets data
- New: CliptextConfig > Attachments => Allow drag+drop
- New: If moving an e-mail fails (e.g. PST full) show an error message
- Fixed: "//" wasn't recognized as separator between name+company in the e-mail sender
- Fixed: Crash when inserting an attachment into an e-mail before the greeting phrase was inserted
- Fixed: Crash when forwarding without entering any text
- Fixed: Hand-Cursor funktionierte im Hilfsprogramm nicht
- And several more details...
Changes in version 4.12 (compared to 4.11): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Text modules: Subject can now also be appended or prepended
- Improved: Updated plentMarkets-Links
- Improved: Exceptions dialog bigger
- Fixed: Multi monitor problem
- Fixed: Englisch version: Special case: Multiple recipients: Adding didn't work
- And several more details...
Changes in version 4.11 (compared to 4.10): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Tutorial
- New: Support for tasks (deactivated by default)
- New: Delay e-mails automatically by 10 minutes if they contain a certain text
- Fixed: Problems with people pane
- Fixed: Problems with multi monitor
- Fixed: Problems with RTF text modules
- Fixed: Problems with first Outlook start after a reboot
- And several more details...
Changes in version 4.10 (compared to 4.09): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Sidebar is now compatible with the "Social Pane"
- New: Exceptions can be ex-/imported
- Improved: Form recognition
- Improved: Moving of e-mails by rule
- Fixed: Attachment reminder didn't work properly with Exchange
- Fixed: ReplyButler now also supports Outlook e-mails spawned from third-party programs
- And several more details...
Changes in version 4.09 (compared to 4.08): (Or in our blog.)
- Improved: Internals
- Fixed: Outlook 2010: 2 empty lines weren't removed in front of the signature
- Fixed: ReplyButler didn't appear on mailto: links
- Fixed: Personal exceptions sometimes didn't work
- And several more details...
Changes in version 4.08 (compared to 4.07): (Or in our blog.)
- Several small bugs and detail improvements
- And several more details...
Changes in version 4.07 (compared to 4.06): (Or in our blog.)
- New: When entering a recipient, ReplyButler automatically inserts the greeting phrase
- New: Showing information for E-Bay order mails
- New: Text module administration now in the options
- Fixed: New ClipTextFromSelection didn't work
- Fixed: RB didn't work under Win7 with large fonts
- Fixed: RB sometimes didn't show the sidebar under 64 bit
- And several more details...
Changes in version 4.06 (compared to 4.05): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Case notes
- New: Special greeting phrase for e-mails with multiple recipients
- New: Insert ClipText automatically, but only when answering the first time
- New: Hotkey for Amazon page
- New: Hotkey to move selected e-mails according to the movement rules
- New: Option to filter out recipient e-mail addresses when replying
- New: Multi-line greeting phrases via {RB_Break}
- New: Search field supports e-mail, Customer#, Order# and Amazon-Id
- And several more details...
Changes in version 4.05 (compared to 4.04): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Automatically recognize e-mail forms
- New: RB_Selectfield: Show something different than the text that is inserted
- New: Fold the sidebar smaller
- Improved: To/CC/BCC recipients aren't inserted as duplicates
- Improved: RB-Tags for plentyMarkets data are now easier to handle
- Fixed: Crash when editing long RTF text phrases
- Fixed: Crash during program start
- And several more details...
Changes in version 4.04 (compared to 4.03): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Support for Outlook 2010 64 bit
- New: Support for Outlook 2010 Click-To-Run
- New: Hotkey for Library-Dialog
- New: plentyMarkets: Linking GLS as package service
- New: plentyMarkets: Reversed the listing of the packages
- New: plentyMarkets: More ready-made text phrases
- Fixed: Crash when plentyMarkets delivered a lot of data
- Fixed: Inserting a attachment didn't work with Outlook 2010
- And several more details...
Changes in version 4.03 (compared to 4.02): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Search functions for icons
- New: Comment field for text modules
- New: Remebering / warning if a text module was already used for a customer (for promotions)
- Fixed: Couldn't request plentyMarkets data in 12% of the cases.
- And several more details...
Changes in version 4.02 (compared to 4.01):
- Fixed: Stability problem
- And several more details...
Changes in version 4.01 (compared to 4.00):
- Fixed: Stability problem
- And several more details...
Changes in version 4.00 (compared to 3.01): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Support for plentyMarkets: Quick infos, RE_... Tokens, Hotkeys for the Shop
- New: Support for other CRM systems
- New: Text modules for shop owner
- New: Text modules now can contain images
- Improved: Also setting "to:"
- Improved: Text module window can be resized
- Fixed: Problems with RTF
- And several more details...
Changes in version 3.01 (compared to 3.00): (Or in our blog.)
- New: CC/BCC can be set by a text module
- New: Libraries can be opened in sidebar
- New: Placeholder im text module for "one line from a file"
- Improved: Speed
- Improved: Installer
- Fixed: Possible crash in name recognition
- And several more details...
Changes in version 3.00 (compared to 2.06): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Automatically insert cliptexts
- New: Support for Office2010 32-Bit
- Improved: Shift-Click in Sidebar for Edit
- Improved: Send later: Dropdown at the side, "Send monday morning", self-changing icon
- Improved: Updating search results when changing the language
- Improved: Name and language recognition
- Fixed: New e-mail from contact => Move rule question appeared when sending
- And several more details...
Changes in version 2.06 (compared to 2.05): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Tracking number in e-mails
- New: Addressing can be turned off completely
- Improved: Name recognition
- Improved: Support for the Finnisch language
- Improved: Rules (filter by store+folder name)
- Improved: Speed
- Fixed: &-Character in the footer made problems when changing the addressing
- Fixed: Sidebar was unusable when no cliptext libraries were there
- And several more details...
Changes in version 2.05 (compared to 2.04): (Or in our blog.)
- Fixed: Several smaller / rare problems
- And several more details...
Changes in version 2.04 (compared to 2.03): (Or in our blog.)
- New: placeholders for time and day are now supported
- Fixed: E-mails were not always automatically moved
- Fixed: Problems with registration
- And several more details...
Changes in version 2.03 (compared to 2.02): (Or in our blog.)
- New: 13 languages are now supported
- New: Preview in sidebar for the current menu choice
- Improved: Name and language recognition
- Fixed: Problem with redefining hotkeys
- Fixed: Problem with e-mails fromm Yahoo
- And several more details...
Changes in version 2.02 (compared to 2.01): (Or in our blog.)
- Fixed: Problem with the sidebar
- Fixed: Problem with inserting text modules
- And several more details...
Changes in version 2.01 (compared to 2.00): (Or in our blog.)
- Improved: Language recognition
- Fixed: Several smaller corrections
- And several more details...
Changes in version 2.00 (compared to 1.35): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Sidebar
- Improved: Language recognition
- Improved: Changing the addressing is automatically stored
- Fixed: Top10 funktioniert nicht
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.35 (compared to 1.34):
- Fixed: Several smaller errors
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.34 (compared to 1.33): (Or in our blog.)
- New: AutoComplete for Auswahlliste during cliptext insert
- New: Show hotkeys in Menü
- New: Icons for Toolbar entries
- Improved: Namens- & Spracherkennung
- Improved: Suche-Dialog
- Improved: Anhang-Erkennung
- Fixed: Several smaller errors
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.33 (compared to 1.32): (Or in our blog.)
- Fixed: Several smaller errors
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.32 (compared to 1.31): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Search function for cliptexts
- Improved: Name recognition
- Fixed: Errors with large fonts
- Fixed: New e-mails with CC couldn't be addresssed automatically
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.31 (compared to 1.30):
- Improved: Recognition of formal / informal
- Improved: Name recognition
- Fixed: Crash with Outlook 2007 when inserting attachment
- Fixed: Attachments that were inserted from another e-mail, were not recognized
- Fixed: Deactivierted libs appear in the context menu
- Fixed: Import of GhostTyperXML libraries (*.gtx) didn't work
- Fixed: Opening e-mails from the draft folder wasn't handled correctly
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.30 (compared to 1.29): (Or in our blog.)
- New: Quickly change addresses phrases
- New: Cliptexts now can also insert attachments
- Improved: Dialog "All cliptext libraries" faster
- Improved: Language recognition faster
- Fixed: Error in HTML signature for e-mails from contact
- Fixed: Error in Linguatec translation
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.29 (compared to 1.28):
- New: Status display while moving
- Improved: HTML code adapted for Outlook 2007
- Improved: Language recognition
- Improved: Name recognition
- Fixed: Signatures were inserted with a gap
- Fixed: Greeting formulas couldn't be inserted with indentation
- Fixed: Attached e-mails were nott recognized by attachment warning
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.28 (compared to 1.27):
- Improved: Name recognition
- Fixed: Several minor problems
- Fixed: Installation problems with Vista
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.27 (compared to 1.26):
- Improved: Language recognition
- Fixed: Problem with the default settings for name recognition
- Fixed: Problem with the options under Vista
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.26 (compared to 1.25):
- Improved: Name recognition
- Fixed: Rare problems with icons on some Outlook versions
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.25 (compared to 1.24):
- New: Built in Linguatec as translator
- Improved: Simplified updates
- Improved: Higher speed for name and language recognition
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.24 (compared to 1.23):
- Improved: Organization of icon table
- Improved: default phrase for unrecognized names
- Fixed: Problem with user-defined variants for cliptexts
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.23 (compared to 1.22):
- Improved: Recognition of dutch names
- Improved: Language and name recognition
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.22 (compared to 1.21):
- Improved: Name recongition for the first start
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.21 (compared to 1.20):
- New: Cliptexts with formatting
- New: Cliptexts can change the subject
- New: Several overlay icons
- Fixed: Several minor problems
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.20 (compared to 1.19):
- Fixed: Several minor problems
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.19 (compared to 1.18):
- Fixed: Compatibility problem with Outlook 2007/XP/2000
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.18 (compared to 1.17):
- New: More icons for the addressing menu
- Improved: Language and name recognition
- Fixed: Several minor bugs
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.17 (compared to 1.16):
- New: Old mail can be completely enclosed by the answer (optional)
- Improved: Attachment recognition
- Improved: Language and name recognition
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.16 (compared to 1.15):
- New: Movementrules can be defined depending on the account
- New: Spellchecker language is adjusted if you manually change the language
- Improved: Language and name recognition
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.15 (compared to 1.14):
- New: ReplyButler warns you when you mention an attachment that is not in the mail
- Improved: Language and name recognition
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.14 (compared to 1.13):
- New: Special answers for accounts, times of the day or the year configurable
- Improved: Language and name recognition
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.13 (compared to 1.12):
- Improved: Compatibility with Outlook 2002 and Outlook 2007
- Improved: Compatibility with HTML and RTF mails
- Improved: Language and name recognition
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.12 (compared to 1.11):
- Improved: Language and name recognition
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.11 (compared to 1.10):
- Improved: Language and name recognition
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.10 (compared to 1.09):
- Fixed: Mails weren't always moved according to their rules
- Fixed: Editing mails in the outbox wasn't always recognized properly
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.09 (compared to 1.08):
- Improved: Adjusted text in movement message to screen size
- Fixed: Rules observing the mail body sometimes weren't executed
- Fixed: Default cliptext relevance type was wrong
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.08 (compared to 1.07):
- Fixed: Error message when changing the active application immediately after replying
- Fixed: Ressource leak when using an Exchange Server
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.07 (compared to 1.06):
- Fixed: Rare error when working with e-mails as attachment in e-mails
- Fixed: Rare error when answering mails with international special characters
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.06 (compared to 1.05):
- Fixed: Adressing style can be configured more easily
- Fixed: Late text/html changes are recognized
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.05 (compared to 1.04):
- Fixed: New mails were converted to HTML when a name was inserted later
- Fixed: Error message when generating mails from Microsoft Access
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.04 (compared to 1.03):
- New: Texts can be inserted in lowercase letters
- New: Menu item to remove the addressing
- Improved: Recognition of dutch names
- Improved: Possible misuse of the installation made impossible
- Fixed: 2 rare problems with Outlook 2003
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.03 (compared to 1.02):
- New: ReplyButler now contains ready-to-go text modules for journalists
- New: More icons for text modules
- Fixed: Several small problems, especially with Outlook versions before 2003
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.03 (compared to 1.02):
- New: ReplyButler now contains ready-to-go text modules for journalists
- New: More icons for text modules
- Fixed: Several small problems, especially with Outlook versions before 2003
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.02 (compared to 1.01):
- New: Icons for text modules
- New: Default rule for the mail movement rules available
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.01 (compared to 1.00):
- Improved: Answering font can now be configured (Options, Other)
- Fixed: Changes to cliptext library sometimes weren't saved
- And several more details...
Changes in version 1.00 (compared to 0.95):
- Improved: Language recognition
- And several more details...
Changes in version 0.95 (compared to 0.94):
- Improved: Recognition of mixed up names
- And several more details...
Changes in version 0.94 (compared to 0.93):
- New: Language can be adjusted in the address menu
- New: ClipTree window can be resized
- And several more details...
Changes in version 0.93 (compared to 0.92):
- New: Lots of improvements
- And several more details...