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References: Websites

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· Evc.de (car industrie)
· Inscene.de (Fashion)
· ITSTH.de (Company display)
· Karstadt.de (Shopping)
· krimispiel.zdf.de (Entertainment)
· Sanitaetshaus-Emmerich.de (Specialized dealer)
· Sherlock-Holmes.de (Entertainment)
· Themeparks.de (Information)

Evc.de (car industrie)
This bilingual website is information and sales plattform at the same time. Apart from a visual relaunch I have developed programs in C++ and scripts in ASP and Perl für this site.
Customer: EVC Electronic
Skills: Asp · C++ · Perl

Inscene.de (Fashion)
Internet website of the fashion brand Inscene. The emphasis of this site lies on creating a relationship to the customer through many interactive ares. Alle serverside scripts on this site were developed by me. This contains a number of database based variations of a "black board" and several further ranges. The integration of the scripts was done ni close cooperation with the local advertising agency.
Customer: KarstadtQuelle AG
Skills: Perl

ITSTH.de (Company display)
While performing the relaunch I put much emphasis on an attraction visual design and extensive information. There are several interesting effects and technical goodies which you normally wouldn't perceive.
Skills: HTML/DHTML/CSS · JavaScript · PHP

Karstadt.de (Shopping)
Information portal and shopping plattform of the Karstadt Warenhaus AG. During my time as an employee of the KarstadtQuelle group a have performed a lot tasks with this side. Starting with small changes continuing with the development of special logfile analysis tool up to management of a part of the relaunch project. As a freelancing software developer I have developed a postcard module for Karstadt.de.
Skills: HTML/DHTML/CSS · JavaScript · Perl

krimispiel.zdf.de (Entertainment)
For the ZDFkrimispiel I did the technical consultation and the entire technication realisation. Databasedesign and -programming, HTML-Code, PHP-Scripts.
Customer: ZDFnewmedia
Skills: HTML/DHTML/CSS · JavaScript · PHP · Sql

Sanitaetshaus-Emmerich.de (Specialized dealer)
I did the basic page design from style previews. The grafical design posed special problems to the page design.
Customer: Sanitätshaus Emmerich
Skills: HTML/DHTML/CSS · Paintshop

Themeparks.de (Informationen)
This project was technically very simple. Neither HTML nor Javascript were very complex. However the grafical design of the navigation and the image material was a lot of work which was completely performed by me.
Skills: Grafikbearbeitung · HTML/DHTML/CSS · Javascript · Paintshop

Sherlock-Holmes.de (Entertainment)
This online game created a lot of media attention. Reports and interviews were broadcasted by more than 15 radio stations and several well-known online- and print magazines reported about it, for example the Stern, c't and Die Welt. The special thing about this game is that it can be played without a download. A part of the english version was translated by me. The english mail is handled only by me.
Skills: Englisch · Grafikbearbeitung · HTML/DHTML/CSS · Javascript · Paintshop · Perl · Soundbearbeitung

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