What is RB_...?

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You can use placeholders in your answer phrases to signal that dynamic texts should be inserted here. Use one of the following texts (including the curly brackets).



The last name of the e-mail sender


The last name of the e-mail sender, including possible titles


The first name of the e-mail sender


The first of the first names of the e-mail sender




The text represented here with ... will only be inserted if the sender is male.


The text represented here with ... will only be inserted if the sender is male.




Your complete name


Your last name


Your first name




Weekday (German)


Weekday (English)


Weekday (2 letters, German)


Weekday (2 letters, English)


Hour (0-23)


Hour (00-23)


Minute (0-59)


Minute (00-59)


Day (1-31)


Day (01-31)


Month (1-12)


Month (01-12)


Year (00-99)


Year (1970-2030)


Name of the month (German)


Name of the month (English)


Name of the month (3 letters, German)


Name of the month (3 letters, English)

All of the above time placeholders refer to the current time. If you want to refer to the creation time of the e-mail that you're currently answering, append "_Mail" to the tag. Example: {RB_Hour_Mail}. Furthermore you can move the point in time by x minutes. E.h. 30 minutes later: {RB_Hour+30}:{RB_Minute2+30} or e.g. exactly 1 day ago: {RB_Day-1140}. {RB_Hour-1440}:{RB_Minute2-1440}




Inserts a line break.

{RB_Textfield} / {RB_Textfield(Helptext)}

ReplyButler will ask for a text


ReplyButler will show multiple alternatives to the use. You may also use this by putting each alternative into a separate line (without |)

By default the respective option is shown in the selection box. If you want to use a different (more descriptive) text for showing than for inserting use the format "Show:=Insert". Example:



Inserts the contents of this text file


Inserts the first line of this text file and removes that line from the file.



Inserts the subject of the e-mail. The token {RB_SubjectPure} removes the tracking number beforehand, if necessary.


Sets the subjects of the e-mail. If a tracking number exists, this will overwrite it. You can avoid this, by combining this command with RB_TrackingNumber.


Inserts the e-mail's original tracking number (without [# ])


Inserts the body of the e-mail


Inserts the sender of the e-mail

{RB_GetPage(url, bCached=false)}

Inserts the web page


Stores the value in the default variable

{RB_SetVar1(Wert)} / {RB_SetVar2(Wert)} / {RB_SetVar3(Wert)}

Stores the value in variable 1 / 2 / 3

{RB_GetVar1} / {RB_GetVar2} / {RB_GetVar3}

Inserts the value of variable 1 / 2 / 3


Executes the code without returning anything. Useful for making large code blocks look nicer.

{RB_ExtractXml(xmlcode, xmltag)}


Inserts of the value of the xmltag of xmlcode. The xmlcode can be read from the default variable.


Uses the regular expression to extract the desired information from the first parameter (which can be the e-mail body, for example). Example: To extract the date from an e-mail form (with the format "MyDate:14-01-2011"), use the following expression: {RB_ExtractRE({RB_Body},MyDate:(..........))}

{RB_Link(url, Linktext)}

Inserts a clickable link. Requires a HTML e-mail.


Opens a web browser with the given url


Displays this text in the sidebar preview if no cliptext is selected. Can be combined with RB_GetPage and RB_SenderEMail. Can be used in cliptexts with "insert automatically" and "always relevant".


No preview is shown for this cliptext. Instead the InfoText (from the RB-Tag or the plentyMarkets query) is shown, if available.


Closes the current e-mail window.

{RB_Placeholder(infotext, example)}

When used, an information window is shown and the user is requested to enter a text that replaces this RB-Tag permanently in this cliptext.



Only for plentyMarkets (See: Configuration > Options > My Data > CRM)


Simple placeholders which insert the customer data from the plentyMarkets XML interface:

{PlentyXmlCustomer_ followed by:

Accountnumber, AdditionalName, ArchiveNumber, BLZ, BankData, BankName, City, Company, ContactPerson, CountryID, CountryISO2, CustomerClass, CustomerID, CustomerNumber , CustomerRating , CustomerSince, Customers, Date, DateOfBirth, DebitorAccount, EbayName, Email, ErrorMessages , Evaluation, FSK, Fax, FirstName, FormOfAddress, Free1, Free2, Free3, Free4, Free5, Free6, Free7, Free8, FreeTextFields, HouseNo, Language, LastLogin, LastSalesOrder, LastSalesOrderCount, LastSalesOrderID, Mobile, Newsletter, OwnerFirstname, OwnerName, Pages, PaymentDueWithin, ResponsibleID, Street, Success, SuccessMessages, Surname, Telephone, Title, Type, Updated, VAT_ID, ZIP


Simple placeholders which insert the order data from the plentyMarkets XML interface:

{PlentyXmlOrder_ followed by:

Currency, CustomerID, CustomerReference, DeliveryAddressID, DoneTimestamp, DunningLevel, EstimatedTimeOfShipment, ExchangeRatio, ExternalItemID, ExternalOrderID, InvoiceNumber, IsNetto, ItemText, LastUpdate, Marking1ID, MethodOfPaymentID, MultishopID, OrderID, OrderRowID, OrderStatus, OrderTimestamp, OrderType, PackageNumber, PaidTimestamp, PaymentStatus, Price, Quantity, ReferrerID, RemoteIP, ResponsibleID, SKU, SalesAgentID, ShippingCosts, ShippingID, ShippingMethodID, ShippingProfileID, StoreID, TotalBrutto, TotalInvoice, TotalNetto, TotalVAT, VAT, WarehouseID



Simple placeholders which insert the delivery data from the plentyMarkets XML interface:

{PlentyXmlDelivery_ followed by:

CustomerID, DeliveryAddressID, ExternalDeliveryAddressID , Evaluation, Company, AdditionalName, FormOfAddress, FirstName, Surname, Street, HouseNumber, ZIP, City, CountryID, CountryISO2, Telephone, Fax, Email, Pages, Success, SuccessMessages, ErrorMessages


Example: {PlentyXmlCustomer_City}


Obsolete (not supported by plentyMarkets 4.4 or later) placeholders which insert the data from the plentyMarkets CustomerCRM interface:

{Plenty_customer_id}, {Plenty_gender}, {Plenty_first_name}, {Plenty_last_name}, {Plenty_company}, {Plenty_ebay_name}, {Plenty_street}, {Plenty_house_no}, {Plenty_zip}, {Plenty_city}, {Plenty_country}, {Plenty_country_iso}, {Plenty_fon}, {Plenty_fax}, {Plenty_email}, {Plenty_VAT_number}, {Plenty_order_id}, {Plenty_access_key}, {Plenty_invoice}, {Plenty_address_dispatch}, {Plenty_shipping_costs}, {Plenty_parcel_service}, {Plenty_parcel_service_preset}, {Plenty_method_of_payment}, {Plenty_referrer}, {Plenty_done_timestamp}, {Plenty_paid_timestamp}, {Plenty_status}, {Plenty_packagenum}, {Plenty_customer_sign}, {Plenty_timestamp}, {Plenty_last_update}, {Plenty_multishop}, {Plenty_seller_account}, {Plenty_goods_netto}, {Plenty_goods_brutto}, {Plenty_goods_vat}, {Plenty_paid_amount}, {Plenty_dunning_level}, {Plenty_total_brutto_incl_shipping}, {Plenty_dispatch_first_name}, {Plenty_dispatch_last_name}, {Plenty_dispatch_company}, {Plenty_dispatch_street}, {Plenty_dispatch_house_no}, {Plenty_dispatch_zip}, {Plenty_dispatch_city}, {Plenty_dispatch_country}, {Plenty_dispatch_country_iso}, {Plenty_dispatch_fax}, {Plenty_dispatch_fon}, {Plenty_status_description}, {RB_PlentyCustomerData}, {RB_PlentyToken}, {RB_GetPlentyMarketsPage}


Advanced placeholders:


Returns the customer number of the current e-mail. If available and if activated in the Plenty options.


Returns the most recent order number of the current e-mail. If available and if activated in the Plenty options.


Returns the plenty-domain configured in the options



Creates a link leading to the tracking page of the parcel service (DHL, DPD, GLS, UPS). If the parameters are left out, ReplyButler will query the data automatically from the plentyMarkets server.




Example for a greeting phrase:

Hello {RB_Male}Mr.{/RB_Male}{RB_Female}Mrs.{/RB_Female} {RB_Lastname},



Example for a plentyMarkets data query for the e-mail address of the current customer:



//For this address:



//Query data, store result in default variable:



//And now display the data:


)}parcel_service: {RB_ExtractXml(parcel_service)}

parcel_service_preset: {RB_ExtractXml(parcel_service_preset)}

packagenum: {RB_ExtractXml(packagenum)}

trackinglink: {RB_TrackingLink({RB_ExtractXml(parcel_service)},{RB_ExtractXml(packagenum)})}




Outlook text modules